The “creatively” titled “The White Sox Blog” was founded on June 22nd, 2008. Thanks to and some previous HTML and Photoshop knowledge, plus the advice of hundreds of bloggers out there, the blog’s anonymous writer embarked on a perilous internet journey. The goal was simple: to document the journey of the Pale Hose on their way to a World Series win, whenever that may happen. The means: a free blog, some humor, any website offering up baseball statistics, and an endless flow of opinions.
Being the publicity representative, writer, webmaster, and researcher of the blog is a full-time job- a full-time job that had to be performed by an author whose profession wasn’t exactly to be a sports writer. That might explain the occasional overlooked typo, sloppily researched fact, or the occasional lull in topics because of a busy week in “real life”.
Through it all, the writer would like to thanks it’s reader(s), whoever and however many they may be for any support they have every shown, for every comment they have written ( the positive, and especially the negative), for every link they may have clicked, and for every letter, word, sentence, or complete post they have read. Finally, a thank you is in order for the White Sox organization, for existing, for providing the author and millions of others entertainment during the long, summer days for all the years they have and for years to come.